The Resource Bundle for
Expert Entrepreneurs


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And that means you're busy.

  • You're frustrated that you can't get out of your own head.
  • You're overwhelmed trying to figure out what you should do next to "move the needle."
  • You're embarrassed that your marketing isn't up to par.

You aren't alone. But you do need to take action. 



Access a suite of free resources from the Idea Lab Mentors.

Scroll down to meet them and access their offers.

Funnel Mapping Strategy Session

Carolyn Choate

Map out the perfect funnel for your unique business with Carolyn Choate. During this free in-person strategy session you’ll get an actual diagram of your ideal funnel.

  • Stop wondering what order to promote your things, 
  • Be certain about where to direct people, 
  • See the vision of how you can get more ease and passive income in your business

Use coupon code "IDEA"


Carolyn Choate is an author and former publisher who fell in love with sales funnels. She shows people how funnels can be a gift to your audience, more garden path to your doorstep than bro-marketing pushy.

Stop "Networking" and Start Building Relationships that Matter 

Daniel Andrews

From business relationship guru, Daniel Andrews, learn about the people, places and spaces that make the difference between casual networking and building powerful business relationships.

  • Why most "networking" efforts fall short
  • Where you need to spend your time networking
  • How to differentiate between high-value networks and low-value "networking"



Daniel Andrews is a native of Columbia, South Carolina where he currently resides after an absence of 13 years. He owns a business shows businesspeople how to identify, find, meet, and nurture professional relationships with Key Referral Partners.

Fundamentally, he shows businesspeople how to STOP “networking,” and START building true networks. This is his fourth career; he’s been successfully self-employed for 35 years (49 if you start with the lemonade stand in first grade).

How To Get Clear On What You Really Want

Judy Kane

People frequently make choices based on what they want to avoid instead of what they really want because they have subconscious beliefs that limit them in some way. Learn more about how to change those choice patterns and achieve those goals that you consciously want with mindset coach, Judy Kane. 

  • Understand the difference between choices based on avoidance vs desire.
  • Get clarity about a choice you want.
  • Learn steps to achieve that goal.
Judy Kane, founder of Aligned Consciousness, helps people identify and transform the subconscious beliefs that keep them repeating ineffective, stressful patterns. Her clients experience changes which allow them to achieve their goals —with ease and comfort.
She is the author of Your4Truths: How Beliefs Impact Your Life. Judy also hosts workshops and presents in group sessions, conferences, and podcasts. Originally from Richmond, Virginia, she lives near Tampa Bay, Florida, usually with a rescued cat or dog (or two) as part of her household.

Convert a Prospect into a Client

Nancy Zare

I invite you to arrange a session where I show you how to get more clients with one of your own prospects.

Viewing their LinkedIn profile or Facebook Home Page, I will identify how they make buying decisions and suggest what to say and do to build trust and enroll a new client.

In minutes, you'll have answers.

  • Identify your prospects style
  • Get specific suggestions on exactly what to say and do to build the relationship and convert him/her into a client
  • Gain insight into your sales style

What's the lifetime value of a new client for you?

Hundreds, even thousands of dollars.

Not only do you receive specific suggestions about what to say and do, you also receive a report.

A certified sales trainer, Nancy Zare, Ph.D.. works with service-based professionals who want to get clients in alignment with their values. She gives them insight into how buyers buy so they can adjust their communication style to match their prospects.
Nancy earned her master's and doctorate from Boston College and is a former professor of social work. She is the author of six books, including an Amazon international bestseller.
Nancy resides in South Florida, is a student of spirituality and recovery, and volunteers as a foster family for the Farm Dog Rescue.

Free Tutorial & Resource Guide: Get More Opens With Great Subject Lines

Susan Finn

It's a busy inbox.

You have only just a few milliseconds to convince someone to open your email.

Your compelling email subject line may be your first and only shot at connecting with a customer or business contact.

With this 40-minute presentation and the accompanying resource guide, you will get dozens of tips and examples to get you writing subject lines that will increase your email open rate.

  • Learn the basics of a good subject line so you can be uniquely YOU
  • Discover the current trends for writing great subject lines NOW. 
  • Easy tips for getting creative with your subject lines that will excite your contacts


I love Sherlock Holmes stories.
I love crossword puzzles.
I love beekeeping.
I ran a science lab.
What do these things have in common? I love to figure things out.
Follow the clues - pay attention - listen closely.
That's how I help my clients uncover their personalized marketing strategy that feels like ease and flow so they show up with generosity and consistency to attract their ideal clients.

Authentic Listening Email Course 

Suzanne Taylor-King

From Idea Lab’s founder, Suzanne Taylor-King, an unbelievable suite of resources to help you build an email course. It includes:

  • IP Extractor PDF
  • Course Creation Planner
  • 90-Day Marketing Planner
  • Goal Setting Worksheet

Build your online authority! 10 Days - 10 Emails that are guaranteed to grow your presence!


Suzanne Taylor-King (STK) is a passionate community builder and experienced coach who is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and business owners attract and engage customers organically.

With a background in community building and a deep understanding of the power of community, she has a unique approach to business growth that is centered around creating a strong and thriving community, actual business skills and building the confidence to be yourself. 

Content creation course

Thom Van Dycke

You know that content marketing - blogs, emails, social media - is critical for the success of your business, but you don’t know what to write and you don’t have a system to get it done! 

In this incredible content marketing workshop, Certified StoryBrand Guide, Thom Van Dycke, teaches how to get a handle on your content to attract your ideal audience! 

  • What makes good, engaging content marketing
  • How to choose topics that land with your audience
  • How to recycle content in different mediums 
  • How to organize your content for success

Use coupon code CW100 at payment to receive the course 100% off! 

Thom Van Dycke Marketing Coaching

Thom Van Dycke is a Canadian copywriter and messaging strategist. After 19 years as a pastor, he launched his business and grew it to 6 figures in his first year. Already a passionate storyteller and accomplished communicator, he certified as a StoryBrand Guide to leverage the power of storytelling in marketing. 

He thinks it is almost criminal that brands would spend thousands on visual branding while neglecting their brand message and voice. 

Thom knows marketing, but he loves family and is a foster and adoption advocate. It is impossible to get to know him without hearing about his wife and 7 kids. They are the reason he built his business.