Have you ever found yourself struggling to find the perfect gift for that amazing teacher in your kid’s life just days before the Christmas holidays?
Remembrance Day is done and in my home, that means it’s time to prepare for Christmas! It might seem a bit early to start thinking about what your kid will buy their teacher for Christmas, but let’s be honest, in a year like 2020 we need to give this a bit of extra thought and care!
So ditch the stupid “#1 Teacher in the World” mug and get something they’ll actually enjoy! Gift certificates better but too easy. This list will vault your child right into the “teacher’s star student” category because they are cool and thoughtful. (I know… because I’m cool and I’ve been thinking about this list since October.)
These aren’t homemade crafts either… because let’s be honest, if you REALLY think teachers want that, then you can always have your kid make a hand-crafted card to go along with an AWESOME gift. Now in the spirit of complete transparency, these gifts are more than you usually spend on a teacher. But your teacher deserves something fantastic so how about getting some parents together and pooling your $5’s to get something super cool?
By the way, I make no money off of any of these suggestions (except the one where you buy some from me).
The 10 Ten List
1. Power Up paper airplane
Ok, I got one of these things this year from a Kickstarter campaign and it is the coolest! This kit comes with a little motor and propeller that you attach to a paper airplane (templates included) and flies with your smartphone!
Admittedly, not the cheapest option on this list. But get the whole class together and pull off something amazing for an amazing teacher this Christmas!
Get it here: www.poweruptoys.com
2. World’s Hardest Puzzle Collection
This option might be for a teacher you really like, or one that you really want to frustrate. Regardless it’s fun to think of the agonizing torture of putting one of these puzzles together.
Get it here:
- A collection of horrible puzzles
- 600-piece clear plastic puzzle
- “Pure White Hell” (Their words not mine.)
3. Box Subscription
There are loads of really cool monthly box subscriptions these days. From socks to science you can find something pretty cool. Again, these ones are a bit more money but they are literally a gift that keeps giving – and you can always opt to just get one box.
Get it here:
- Socks Box – This one is cool because it’s Canadian and can be given as a gift.
- Science Crates for Kids – Don’t worry about the “for kids” part. Teachers will love this stuff!
4. Something off the “Classic Kids Book List”
A few years ago I did some research and bought about 12 books off a list of all-time classic kids books. They were awesome! I know that a book can be a so-so gift. But a classic book could be incredible.
Get the list here: Time Magazine’s top 100 Children’s Books
5. TBRI Training
On November 28 I am teaching an online workshop called the Trust-Based Relational Intervention Caregiver Workshop. If you want to seriously equip the people who teach your kids, consider buying them a registration! In fact, because I want a ton of teachers there, if you email me (thom@thomvandycke.com) I’ll arrange it so you send TWO teachers for the price of one ($50)!
Talk to them first to make sure they can make it, but I promise they will love you for this thoughtful gift.
The registration page is here if you want to check it out.
(If you miss the workshop on the 28th, watch my website for future dates.)
6. Classic “School” Movie
For the movie-lover consider getting them a classic school movie. I know it’s getting older but I would suggest that High School Musical isn’t classic enough yet.
My favourite is Lean On Me with Morgan Freeman. (Caveat: I haven’t seen it for a LONG time and have no idea if it is morally sound!)
Check out the list at Rotten Tomatoes here. (And again, I’m sure there is GARBAGE in here. Browse wisely.)
7. Old School Manual Calculator
Be careful here. There is an outside chance that some teachers still have one of these on their desk! Still, punching those big buttons on a classic Casio calculator is just so satisfying!
Get it here: Classic Calculator
Or better yet, get a calculator watch!
8. Chicks on Wheels 2021 Calendar
Want to do something amazing and give a cool gift at the same time? My friend Charmaine Toews put together SUCH a cute calendar as a fundraiser for Safe Families Steinbach. You’ll be giving an adorable gift and supporting an amazing organization with this gift!

9. A Box of Sensory Toys
Because isn’t the greatest gift you can give a teacher, the gift of occupied students?
Get it here: Box of Fidgets (lots of options)
10. Subscription to National Geographic Kids
This is just good stuff and surprisingly affordable for an annual subscription.
Get it here: National Geographic for Kids
This list literally took me 10 minutes to compile and I’ve got a bunch more ideas! (I think about presents quite a lot.) If you’d like some supplementary ideas – including FREE GIFT ideas – just sign up below and I’ll send them straight to your inbox!
And if you’re still hung up on that world’s best teacher mug, you can get one here. (Just don’t blame me when you find it at self-help in July.)

Thom Van Dycke
Speaker, Writer, Husband, Dad
Tara and I were married in 2001 and have a house full of kids (and a few that have outgrown the house!) We became foster parents in 2011 and since then have welcomed 30 children into our home. Currently, we have 8 kids ranging from newborn to 24-years old (we even have a son-in-law!). My heart beats for kids from hard places and I was trained as a TBRI Practitioner in 2017.
The crazy thing is, that mug is still $30!!!! ?
Hahaha! Oops