A few years ago we watched all the seasons of Gilmore Girls on Netflix and I wrote a blog about it.
Well we’re watching again, so I thought I would ressurect that oldie from the blog-vault at mysteinbach.ca. Enjoy!
(My opinions haven’t changed… in case you’re wondering!)
Everything I learned from Lorelai Gilmore is wrong!
Let me tell you what I love about Netflix, it has a bunch of old TV series and movies that I watched as a kid and find appalling as an adult. My parents obviously didn’t keep very close tabs on the programs I watched (other than restricting me from Smurfs, Care Bears and Thundercats) or I simply broke the rules and watched in utter rebellion (Simpsons).
Well, I can’t say that I was ever a huge Gilmore Girls fan and it’s not like my parents would have had much to say about it anyway because I was already married when the show originally aired, but I do admit that my wife and I did watch a few episodes (ok seasons) together. Recently we decided to go on a little trip down Nostalgia Lane and watched a bunch of episodes (ok ALL the episodes in every season) on Netflix. It was a fun little adventure and we laughed a lot and I don’t think my morality was over affected. In fact, there may have even been some positive side effects from submitting ourselves to 7 seasons of episodes back to back to back. (No, not all in one sitting! Come on this isn’t Lord of the Rings.)
“And what pray tell,” you ask, “were those positive side effects?”
Thanks, I’d love to tell you.
Read the rest of this blog at mysteinbach.ca!

Thom Van Dycke
Speaker, Writer, Husband, Dad
Tara and I were married in 2001 and have a house full of kids (and a few that have outgrown the house!) We became foster parents in 2011 and since then have welcomed 30 children into our home. Currently, we have 8 kids ranging from newborn to 24-years old (we even have a son-in-law!). My heart beats for kids from hard places and I was trained as a TBRI Practitioner in 2017.